March Announcements

Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday service will be observed with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.

Lent Course: Starting on March 12th, I will be offering a Lenten course on the spiritual practice of Fasting in Lent from the standpoint of ancient Christianity after mass on Wednesday nights in the Parish fellowship hall.

Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Starting on March 14th, I will be offering Stations of the Cross and Benediction on Fridays in Lent starting at 5:30pm.

Feast of St. Joseph: The feast of St. Joseph will be observed on Wednesday the 19th of March with Morning prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at 5:30pm.

Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The monthly Bishop’s Committee Meeting will be held on the 23rd following Mass and Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Feast of the Annunciation: The feast of the Annunciation will be observed on Tuesday the 25th of March with Morning prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.

D.O.K Meeting: The monthly Daughters of the King meeting will be held on the 27th at 4:30pm.

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