Advent Course: Starting this Wednesday after Mass, Fr. Anglin will be leading an abbreviated course on the themes of Advent found in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel According to St. Luke.
Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The Bishop’s Committee will be meeting on December 15th, the 3rd Sunday of Advent, in the Fellowship Hall after Coffee Hour.
Lessons and Carols: St. Barnabas will be having its 2nd Lessons and Carols Service on the 18th of December which will be at 5:30pm with light refreshments to follow.
D.O.K: The Daughters of the King will have its monthly meeting on December 19th at 4:30pm.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day: Christmas Eve will be observed with Mass at 5:30pm and Christmas Day will be observed with Mass at 10:00am.
Saint Stephen: The Feast of St. Stephen will be observed on the 26th of December with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.
Saint John: The Feast of St. John will be observed on the 27th of December with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.
Holy Innocents: The Feast of the Holy Innocents will be observed on the 28th of December with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.