Holy Week Schedule

Great News! Below is the schedule for Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday April 2nd with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Mass and the Procession of Palms at 10:00am, and Evening Prayer at 5:00pm! Come one and all to experience the joy, beauty, and splendor that is Holy Week!

Holy Week Schedule for the Year of our Lord 2023:

April 3rd Monday in Holy Week:

9:00am Morning Prayer

5:00pm Evening Prayer

5:30pm Holy Eucharist

April 4th Tuesday in Holy Week:

9:00am Morning Prayer

5:00pm Evening Prayer

5:30pm Holy Eucharist

April 5th Tenebrae

9:00am Morning Prayer

3:30pm Holy Eucharist

5:00pm Evening Prayer

7:00pm Tenebrae Service

April 6th Munday-Thursday

9:00am Morning Prayer

4:30pm Evening Prayer

5:30pm Holy Eucharist

April 7th Good Friday

9:00am Morning Prayer

12:00pm Holy Eucharist

5:00pm Evening Prayer

April 8th Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil

9am Morning Prayer

10:00am Holy Saturday Service

4:30pm Evening Prayer

5:30pm Easter Vigil

April 9th Easter Sunday

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Holy Eucharist

5:00pm Evening Prayer

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