January Announcements

Holy Name: The Feast of the Holy Name will be observed on the 1st of January with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 4:30pm, and Mass at 5:30pm.

The Epiphany: The Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord will be observed on the 6th of January with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.

Fr. Anglin’s Class in Rome: Fr. Anglin will be out of country for his course on Christian Unity in Rome, Italy from the 13th of January through the 27th. Fr. Gene Stormer will be serving as emergency contact in Fr. Anglin’s absence. His contact information is as follows: email (e.stormer@comcast.net) and phone number (217-622-6043).

Annual Meeting: 149th Annual Meeting of St. Barnabas will be held on the 2nd of February, the Feast of Candlemas or The Presentation of Our Lord, after Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall. Please note that we will be having elections for Synod Delegates as well as for the Bishop’s committee.

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