May Announcements

Fulton Mason Crisis Center: Our current outreach project to the wider community, is the collection of various items (hygiene, cleaning, paper products, etc.), to help domestic abuse victims. This shelter, unlike ones in larger cities, can only provide a limited, temporary shelter. In that vain, if you have any of the following items, which can be trail or small/regular size products, please bring them to Church for collection: Laundry detergent, Dryer sheets, Toilet paper, Dish soap, Cleaning supplies, Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Body wash or bar soap, Feminine hygiene products, and/or Gift Cards that would ideally come from Walmart or Dollar General. Please note that this intimal drive will be ending in the first half of May, so collection is somewhat urgent. If you have any more questions, please see Terry McDowell our head of community outreach.

Feast of St. Phillip and St. James: May 1st, Morning Prayer (9:00)am, Evening Prayer (5:00pm), and Mass (6:00pm), will be held for the feast of St. Phillip and St. James at the St. Barnabas Altar.

National Day of Prayer: National day of prayer is May the 4th, details about celebratory events to follow.

Nashotah Commencement: Fr. Anglin will be gone from May 17th-18th for Alumni Day and Commencement at Nashotah House.

Daughters of the King: Daughters of the King meeting this month will occur on the 25th at 4:30pm.

Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The Bishop’s Committee Meeting will be meeting the 28th of May (The Day of Pentecost or Whitsunday) after coffee hour.

Evensong for Eve of Visitation: St. Paul’s in Pekin and St. Barnabas will be hosting a joint Evensong (sung evening prayer), for the eve of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the 30th of May at St. Paul’s. Time to be announced at a latter date.

The Visitation of the BVM: Mass for the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be on the 31st of May. Given that it is a Wednesday, Mass will be at regular time given for that day (5:30pm) rather than 6:00pm. Morning and evening prayer schedule remains the same as before.

Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits for the month of May will be made by appointment with all those who wish it.

Confession: Starting on the 7th of May, Confession will be offered regularly on Sundays from 9:20am-9:40am.

Mass: Mass is being celebrated Tuesday-Friday at 9:30am following Morning Prayer (This not in addition to our Wednesday Mass at 5:30pm). If a feast day falls on these days, (or Monday and Saturday) Mass will occur at 6:00pm.

Morning and Evening Prayer: Morning and Evening Prayer are offered Tuesday-Friday at 9:00am and 5:00pm, respectfully. If a feast day falls on a Monday or Saturday, Morning and Evening Prayer will be conducted on those days at normal time.

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