Regardless if one is a veteran of the Daily Office and the Mass or not, please know that you are very much welcome to participate with us here at St. Barnabas!
As Anglicans, are primary mode of worship is the Book of Common Prayer (BCP for short), which we have been using as a domination since 1549! Each province in Anglicanism around the world uses their own flavored version of the BCP, and we here in the USA are no different. When you walk into St. Barnabas, you will find a red 1979 BCP ready to be picked up and used for the Daily Office or the Mass along with our 1982 Hymnal.
The Daily Office, which is our prayer that we lift to God on daily basis, is said Tuesday-Friday and Sunday. Morning Prayer is offered at 9:00am and Evening Prayer is offered at 5:00pm. When Feast Days fall on Mondays and Saturdays, this time applies their as well. Furthermore, regardless of what day a Feast falls on, the Daily Office will be sung: Matins and Evensong at their respective times.
The Mass, which is our primary form of worship on Wednesdays and Sundays, is the summit of the Christian life during the week, as we receive the grace of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Mass on Wednesdays are at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:00. On a Feast Day that lands on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, Mass will be at 6:00pm. It should also breifly be said, that all Christians who have been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, are invited to take communion at our altar rail.
Both the Daily Office and the Mass are typically, barring any external circumstances, livestreamed from our Facebook page ( at their appointed times. The beautiful thing about BCP is that not only does it have everything you need to follow along with our services, you can find it online as well (
For those who are completely new to our tradition but wish to visit, please know that everything that you need will be in the two books I cited above (BCP ’79 and Hymnal ’82), unless their is a speical Feast Day where everything will be printed on a bulletin for you! Do not worry about singing the wrong line of a Hymn, missing a response here, being overly confused about what is going on, or just wishing to observe what is going. We, the people of God at St. Barnabas, are just blessed to have you with us to worship God!