August Announcements

Feast of the Transfiguration: The Feast of the Transfiguration is on the 6th of August, the 1st Sunday of the month. Matins at 9:00am, Mass at 10:00am, and Evensong at 5:00pm.

School Drive: The school supply drive ends this week. If you would rather give monetary donation instead of supplies, see Terri McDowell

Wedding: I will be gone from the 9th-10th of August, as I will be attending the wedding of priest friend of mine in Wisconsin. In stead of mass on that Wednesday, there will be evening prayer at 5:30pm. 

Assumption of the BVM: The Feast of the Assumption will be transferred to the 16th of August so as to celebrate on Wednesday. In that vain, the Eve of and Matins will be transferred as well up a day.

Daughters of the King: Daughters of the King monthly meeting will be on the 24th at 4:30pm.

St. Bartholomew: The feast of St. Bartholomew, along with matins and evensong will be transferred to the 25th, due to its conflict with Daughters of the King on the 24th

Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits for the month of August  can be made by appointment with mw by all those who wish it.

Private Confession: Private Confession will be offered regularly on Sundays from 9:20am-9:40am and at any other time during the week by appointment.

Mass: There is no longer going to Daily Mass offered during the week; however,  If a feast day falls on these days, (or Monday and Saturday) Mass will occur at 6:00pm.

Morning and Evening Prayer: Morning and Evening Prayer are offered Tuesday-Friday at 9:00am and 5:00pm, respectfully. If a feast day falls on a Monday or Saturday, Morning and Evening Prayer will be conducted on those days at normal time.

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