Holy Cross: Mass for The Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross is being transferred on the 13th of this Month, at 5:30pm.
Bishop’s Visitation: The Bishop will be with us for his annual visit on the 17th, Constitution Day.
St. Matthew the Apostle: Mass for The Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle is being transferred to the 20th of this Month.
Bishop’s Committee: The Bishop’s Committee Meeting is set for the 24th of this month after Sunday Coffee Hour.
St. Micheal and All Angels: There will be joint Evensong for the Feast of St. Micheal and All Angels at 5:30th on the 29th of this month. Matins at 9:00am. In addition, Mass for St. Micheal and All Angels will be transferred to the 27th.
Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits for the month of September can be made by appointment with mw by all those who wish it.
Private Confession: Private Confession will be offered regularly on Sundays from 9:20am-9:40am and at any other time during the week by appointment.
Mass: There is no longer going to Daily Mass offered during the week; however, If a feast day falls on these days, (or Monday and Saturday) Mass will occur at 6:00pm.
Morning and Evening Prayer: Morning and Evening Prayer are offered Tuesday-Friday at 9:00am and 5:00pm, respectfully. If a feast day falls on a Monday or Saturday, Morning and Evening Prayer will be conducted on those days at normal time.