March Announcements

HCMA “40” Lent Series: This Sunday continues the HCMA Lenten 40 series at the First Baptist Church at 6:00pm. Please come to support the HCMA’s work and represent St. Barnabas!

Lenten Wednesday Courses: This year’s Lenten course will be on discussing, meditating, and participating in the Stations of the Cross. This course will continue this Wednesday the 6th of March in the fellowship hall after our Wednesday Mass.

Stations of the Cross and Benediction: Continuing this Friday the 8th of Marchthe devotions of the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and Benediction at 6:00pm.

Personal Retreat: Fr. Anglin will be gone for his yearly personal retreat from the 11th-14th of March. In that vein, there will be Lenten Wednesday class that week and Evening Prayer will be taking the place of Wednesday Mass. Furthermore, Fr. John Richmond will be serving as the emergency contact for that week.

Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The Bishop’s Committee monthly meeting will be on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day or the 4th Sunday in Lent after Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Feast of St. Joseph: The Feast of St. Joseph will be observed on the 19th of this month with Matins at 9:00am and Evensong at 5:00pm. Mass for the Feast of St. Joseph will be observed at our weekday Wednesday Mass on the 20th at 5:30pm.

St. Barnabas HCMA Hosting: Just as a reminder, St. Barnabas will have the honor and privilege to be hosting our HCMA Lenten series service of Palm Sunday at 6:00p, the 24th of March.

Holy Week Schedule: The Holy Week Schedule, in consultation with the Bishop’s Committee, will be coming within the week.

 D.O.K: Daughters of the King will meet for its monthly meeting and Mass at 4:30pm on the 21st of March.

please let the leadership of this Parish know as soon as possible!

Columbarium Announcement: As per the Annual Meeting in January, after many years of research and development, the Bishop Committee is happy to announce that we are in the final stages of installing a Columbarium for our Church! We are still in the process of writing an actual policy for the program, but know that as of now, if you wish to pre-purchase a spot for you, your spouse, or for both, the charge for the aforementioned reservation. Please stand by for updates and if you are interested,

Stain Glass Window Fund: We are in the process of collecting good will donations for our Stain Glass Window fund. Of your charity, please give as you able for the upkeep of our beautiful stain glass windows!

Food Pantry Drive: We are starting March with a three-week food pantry collection for our church’s outreach. County Market has some good prices locally this week on boxed foods and a few others items. Please bring any contributions to church and Terri will deliver everything on March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph. If you prefer to donate cash, Terri will look for bargains and shop carefully with your money. If you prefer your monetary donation goes straight to the food pantry, Terri can arrange that, too. A check to the Havana Food Pantry is probably best for that. Thank you everyone!

Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits can be made with me for this month of March be appointment.

Private Confession: Private confession can be made with me for this month of March be appointment.

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