The Ascension: The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord into Heaven will be observed on May 8th (the eve) with Matins at 9:00, Evensong at 4:30pm, and Mass at 5:30pm.
Diocesan Council: I will be at the diocesan center for council on the 17th of May.
Pentecost: The Feast of Pentecost will be observed on May 19th with Matins at 9:00, Mass at 10:00pm, and Evensong at 5:00pm.
Trinity Sunday: The Feast of the Trinity will be observed on May 26th with Matins at 9:00, Mass at 10:00pm, and Evensong at
Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The Bishop’s Committee will be meeting on the 26th of May, which is Trinity Sunday, in the Fellowship Hall after coffee hour.
Corpus Christi: The Cathedral will be conducting its annual celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi with Evensong, Benediction, and Procession. Time to be announced. Fr. Anglin will be there to assist that day.
Daughters of the King: The Daughters of the King will be having its monthly meeting on the 30th of May at 4:30pm.
The Visitation of the BVM: The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary be observed on May 31st with Matins at 9:00, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.
Fulton Mason Crisis Center Drive: We are in the process of collecting items for the Fulton Mason Crisis Center. Please see Terri for more information on what you can donate. This drive will last towards the end of May.
UTO: It is that time of the year where will be collecting the United Thank Offering Ministry. This offering will be collected and sent off on the 26th of May, which is Trinity Sunday. The boxes and envelopes can be found on the table by the Sacristy.
Columbarium Announcement Update: I am happy to announce that we have an official policy agreement in place for our future Columbarium! If you still wish to pre purchase your spot, now is the time to act. As stated early, the purchase price of a niche will be $500 per urn and the party in question can have up to two urns for said niche. Furthermore, we are in the process of collecting goodwill donations for our Columbarium fund. Of your charity, please give as you able for the fund of our future Columbarium!
Stain Glass Update: We have officially begun the process of restoring the stain glass windows at the front of the Church. This will be done through a company based in Jacksonville, IL. They will be here in two months. During that time in place of the windows, we will sadly have to board up the left over space. Please know that we are still in the process of collecting good will donations for our Stain Glass Window fund. Of your charity, please give as you able for the upkeep of our beautiful stain glass windows!
Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits can be made with me for this month of May by appointment.
Private Confession: Private confession can be made with me for this month of May by appointment.