October Announcements

Pets Without Parents: We will be collecting items for Pets Without Parents the next several weeks. If you want to give Terri cash, she will go shopping for items. The items in question are as follows: Pinesol, Paper Towels, Kitchen/Garbage bags, Clean old towels, Baking Soda, Dog treats, Kong/Nylabone super chew toys.

UTO: The United Thank Offering drive is going on during the month of October. Please pick up a box and collect all the loose change you can!

St. Luke: The Feast of St. Luke the Apostle is on the 18th of October. Matins will be at 9:00am, Evensong at 4:30pm, and Mass at 5:30pm.

Synod: I, along with members of the parish, will be gone for Diocesan Synod from the 20th-21st.

St. James: The Feast of St. James the Apostle is on the 18th of October. Matins will be at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.

Bishop’s Committee: The Bishop’s Committee Meeting is set for the 22nd of this month after Sunday Coffee Hour.

Daughters of the King: Daughters of the King will have its monthly meeting on the 26th at 4:30pm.

St. Simon and Jude: Mass for St. Simon and Jude will be transferred to the 25th. Matins and Evensong will occur at normal times on Saturday the 28th.

Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits for the month of October can be made by appointment with me by all those who wish it.

Private Confession: Private Confession will be offered regularly on Sundays from 9:20am-9:40am and at any other time during the week by appointment.

Mass: There is no longer going to be Daily Mass offered during the week; however, if a feast day falls on these days, (or Monday and Saturday) Mass will occur at 6:00pm.

Morning and Evening Prayer: Morning and Evening Prayer are offered Tuesday-Friday at 9:00am and 5:00pm, respectfully. If a feast day falls on a Monday or Saturday, Morning and Evening Prayer will be conducted on those days at normal time.


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