Crusillo: I will be gone the 13th-16th of July for Crusillo at Todd Hall. Fr. John Richmond (309-645-9340), will be on standby for emergencies
Evensong For St. Mary Magdalene: There will be evensong for the Eve of St. Mary Magdalene on the 21st of July at 5:30pm at Morten.
St. Mary Magdalene: The feast of St. Mary Magdalene is on the 22nd of this month. Mattins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.
Bishop’s Committee: The Bishop’s Committee for this month will occur on the 30th of July.
St. James the Apostle: In Lui of Daughters of King occurring on the same day, the feast of St. James the Apostle will be transferred to the 28th of this month, Mattins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm.
Daughters of the King: The monthly meeting of the Daughters of the King is the 27th of July at 4:30pm.
Pastoral Visits: Pastoral visits for the month of July can be made by appointment with mw by all those who wish it.
Private Confession: Private Confession will be offered regularly on Sundays from 9:20am-9:40am and at any other time during the week by appointment.
Mass: There is no longer going to Daily Mass offered during the week; however, If a feast day falls on these days, (or Monday and Saturday) Mass will occur at 6:00pm.
Morning and Evening Prayer: Morning and Evening Prayer are offered Tuesday-Friday at 9:00am and 5:00pm, respectfully. If a feast day falls on a Monday or Saturday, Morning and Evening Prayer will be conducted on those days at normal time.

March Announcements
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday service will be observed with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm. Lent Course: Starting on March 12th, I will be offering a Lenten course on the spiritual practice of Fasting in Lent from the standpoint of ancient Christianity after mass on Wednesday nights in the Parish fellowship… Continue reading March Announcements

January Announcements
Holy Name: The Feast of the Holy Name will be observed on the 1st of January with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 4:30pm, and Mass at 5:30pm. The Epiphany: The Feast of the Epiphany of our Lord will be observed on the 6th of January with Morning Prayer at 9:00am, Evening Prayer at 5:00pm, and Mass at… Continue reading January Announcements

December Announcemets
Advent Course: Starting this Wednesday after Mass, Fr. Anglin will be leading an abbreviated course on the themes of Advent found in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel According to St. Luke. Bishop’s Committee Meeting: The Bishop’s Committee will be meeting on December 15th, the 3rd Sunday of Advent, in the Fellowship Hall after… Continue reading December Announcemets

October Announcements
Parish Directory: Please pick up a directory sheet and fill it out so we may update our directory! Last call for these sheets will be October 13th, the 21st Sunday after Pentecost. Evening Prayer: I will be away on the 9th of October to cantor as well as assist for the celebration of the new… Continue reading October Announcements

September Announcements
Parish Directory: Please pick up a directory sheet and fill it out so we may update our directory! Holy Cross: The Feast of the Holy Cross will be observed on Saturday the 14th with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm. Bishop’s Committee Meeting: This months Bishop Committee meeting will be meeting on the 15th… Continue reading September Announcements

August Announcements
Diocesan Council: I will be at Diocesan Council for the 3rd of August. The Transfiguration: The Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ will be obverse with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong at 5:00pm, and Mass at 6:00pm on Tuesday the 6th of August. The Assumption: The Feast of the Assumption will be obverse with Matins at 9:00am, Evensong… Continue reading August Announcements